[Dr. Hua received his BEng and MEng degrees in CS from Central South University, and his PhD degree in CS from HKU under the supervision of Prof. Francis C.M. Lau.
He is interested in parallel and distributed computing, in particular in the design of efficient algorithms and systems with solid proofs.
He is a professor (research) in School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
He is a member of the National Engineering Research Center-Big Data Technology and System Lab, Services Computing Technology and System Lab, and the Cluster and Grid Computing Lab.
Dr. Hua was an assistant professor in the IIIS, Tsinghua University.]
My photo with Hua Hua at 12 months.
Fall 2020-2023, Discrete Mathematics (I,II), Theory of Computation, Undergraduate
Fall 2019, Discrete Mathematics (II), Theory of Computation, Undergraduate
Fall 2015-2018, Discrete Mathematics (II), Algorithm Design and Analysis, Undergraduate
Spring 2015, Discrete Mathematics (I), Cloud Computing, Undergraduate
Spring 2013-2014, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Graduate
Fall 2011-2013, Foundations of Programming and Algorithms, "Yao Class" Undergraduate
Honors and Awards
Best Paper Award, GPC 2019
Thesis Advisor Certificate for Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, 2015
Excellent Graduate in Hunan Province (for Graduate study), 2004
Second Prize, National "Challenge Cup" Science and Technology Innovation Competition, 2003
Excellent Graduate in Hunan Province (for Undergraduate study), 2001
Room 220, East 5 Building,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Luoyu Road 1037, 430074, Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R China
Email: qshua At hust Dot edu Dot cn
Tel: (+86) 27-8754 3529
Fax: (+86) 27-8755-7354
Homepage: https://qiangshenghua.github.io